We are a group of imperfect people from all walks of life that recognize our desperate need for God’s grace. No matter where you are in your journey of faith - whether you have been burned by religion, made mistakes, or haven’t been to a church in years (or ever) we invite you to join us. You matter to God and you matter to us!
What is so special about CSBC?
Nothing! Absolutely nothing! If you are looking for a perfect church then you are going to be very disappointed with us. At CSBC you’ll find real people, with real problems, who live real lives, and are all learning to love a real God whose grace is more than enough for all our needs.
You see, at CSBC we don’t need to cling to our own “special-ness” or “goodness” because of the cross of Jesus Christ. At His cross we find that none are really “good” at all. In fact, at Jesus’ cross we discover that we are unquestionably guilty and yet can be unconditionally forgiven.
At the cross we learn that Christ does NOT want to condemn us in our sins but to save us from them. At the cross we find that God receives us just where we are but He loves us enough not to leave us there. God can and will change lives. He is changing us and can change you as well.
We celebrate Him - not us! Here at CSBC there are only people. People like me. People like you. People like us. People who desperately need God’s grace. Everyone is welcome to come and receive that grace. We invite you to join us on this life-changing journey.

New to csbc?
Chestnut Street Baptist Church is no ordinary family. We are a family of God where unique individuals come together to receive and distribute Gospel hope in every area of life. We are a Jesus-centered, Spirit-filled, and Life-giving family of believers bringing the hope of Good News to Camden, Maine and beyond! We invite you to come connect with us!
Sunday School for All Ages | 8:45 AM
Worship Gathering | 10:00 AM
Unable to join us? We’re LIVE every Sunday
Learn a little about us and what to expect. We hope to be a safe, encouraging place for all people to ask questions, explore their faith, and experience community in Camden and the Midcoast area.
Every Monday here at CSBC we host our Camden Community Breakfast. All are invited! It’s our treat! The breakfast goes from 7:00 AM until 9:00 AM. Come join us! ALL are welcome!
We believe simple is better, so we do four fundamental practices here at CSBC.
Sunday Worship Gatherings
Every Sunday we gather together to encounter God’s word and experience God’s presence. this is where we meet with God, teach His Word, and minister to each other.
Small Groups
Small groups are three or more people who meet together consistently to pray together and discuss scripture, specifically: 1. What does it say about God. 2. What does it say about people? 3. How does it point us to the Gospel?
Serving Teams
Serving teams serve under one of five deacon spheres (Finance, Facilities, Community, Worship Gatherings, and Outreach). Here is where you can use your gifts to make a difference in the lives of others, both in our church and our community.
God’s presence (Spirit) is what transforms us. So we intentionally structure each of our experiences to be centered around Jesus and The Gospel, so we grow to become like Him .