Here are a few reminders of how we do things here at CSBC during inclement weather (Nor’easters and snowstorms being the usual culprit).
We technically, never "cancel" church; however, we believe it is imperative your safety is number 1! What exactly does that mean if we never "cancel?"
We love you. We are a family! Your safety is number 1. Follow the guidance from our local weather and officials. If there are warnings out that travel is "dangerous", “not recommended”, or near "impossible"; please use your head (best judgement) and heed the warnings. It is very common living up north to hear the sarcasm: "we live in Maine", or "this is no big deal" kinds of statements, but the truth is, this kind of weather easily hurts and even worse, kills many using that exact thinking. The few that do come in, usually live within walking distance. We stream, record, and post sermons online. STAY HOME AND WORSHIP WITH US!
If you ever need help shoveling or assistance of some kind, consider a move to Florida! KIDDING, let us know and we will always do what we can!
How do we notify folks we are “cancelled”?
We will always put out messages (emails) and keep you up to date and listings on our website. Make sure you have subscribed to our “newsletter” email and you can do so at the bottom of any web page. We also will have a banner notification upon checking the website should we cancel.