Children and Youth
Sunday school 8:45 AM
NO ONE (aside from God’s love and sovereignty) will have more influence on your child than you.
We believe that what happens at home is more important than what happens at church. It is our hope that we can partner with you from the very beginning. We want to be your biggest fans, your strongest supporters, and your trusted guides as you raise your child to know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Children and youth are valuable members and the future of the church family. We’re passionate about partnering with families to raise kids who love and trust Jesus.
Our Sunday school classes meet each week and is the place where your children will be safe, have fun and learn about Jesus on their level!
All of our childcare and youth workers have been trained and have undergone background checks to ensure the safety of your child in accordance with our Church Protection and Policy Training.
The safety of your kids is our top priority. We implement the most up-to-date procedures and policies while your kids are with us, including a kids check-in, comprehensive background checks for all children’s ministry volunteers, and children are always in a safe environment with their peers and approved volunteers.
Our time together is more than just baby-sitting for parents. We really want them to KNOW Jesus. We think our children’s ministry gatherings are sacred spaces to learn and grow.
Sunday mornings are a great time for kids! We play lots of high-energy games in which everyone participates – including our teachers! It’s our goal that every kid has a blast!
Because we believe children benefit greatly from seeing their parents engage with God and His people, we encourage parents to bring children in 5th grade and beyond to join us in the sanctuary. CSBC is a family of families, and we don’t expect perfectly behaved children! If your child is being disruptive, please don’t be embarrassed. The sound of children is the sound of life and a future! We provide workbooks and crayons for kids in the sanctuary. These can be found near the back table (back of the sanctuary).