About Us
Walk Through Bethlehem 2025
Friday, December 5, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM
Saturday, December 6, 5:00 PM—7:00 PM
FREE and all are welcome- open to the public. Handicap accessible!
COME and see!
Imagine a bustling 1,000+ square foot village with merchants, townspeople, artisans, and a half dozen live animals. Follow as shepherds lead you to the shepherd’s field’s where angels appear with the Good News and the angel Gabriel announces to Mary the son she will give birth to. Stroll through the city and get up-close and personal with more than 20 costumed cast members as they recreate the city of Bethlehem as it might have been on the night of Jesus' birth. Authentic sights, smells, tastes, and sounds greet guests as they make their way to seek out the manger and the Christ Child.
We are grateful to make an annual tradition part of your families Christmas tradition here at CSBC. We invite you, first time visitor or annual visitor, to travel back in time and experience what it might have been like to be in Bethlehem on the night of Jesus' birth. A true story. A monumentally historic story in the life of every man, woman, and child. And at the end of hearing, reading, and studying for yourself, the story - the question that looms for every human being - “Who do YOU say I am?” - Jesus, Matthew 16:15
We want you to experience the true historical story of Christmas and the excitement of our Savior’s birth by using our spacious setting with dramatic readings, a live nativity, live Biblical characters, and a message you can take wherever you go this Holiday season to share with others.
COME and see!
It all begins with Jesus’ birth. What child is this? What child separates time (AD/BC) before and after his birth? What child is this that grows into a man who makes the audacious claims to be God himself and the savior of the world. What child is this who was found innocent of all charges and still crucified among common criminals. What child is this, who after being buried in a tomb for 3 days, rose from the dead on the third day and appeared to many? What child is this that challenges every age and culture and offers the only message of hope for a broken and dying world and yet, people still reject him? What child is this who claims he is the only way to God and restores our fellowship with God? What child is this who told his followers he will come back and finally put an end to all the brokeness, evil, tears, sickness, and sin inside of each and every one of us and make the world new again - never to be touched by all that heartache again? What child is this who offers us eternity with him and a kingdom that will never end?
Some 2,000 years ago God lived on earth as a real man, fully human and fully God at the very same time. His name was and is Jesus, which means Emmanuel, God with us. Scholars may disagree about some things of Jesus’ life, but one thing almost all agree on is the fact that a real man named Jesus lived in Israel. But it is how he lived that really matters. He lived Perfectly, without sin. While only on earth for a short 33 years, he lived in a way that no one has matched in 100 years of life, and that every human put together would be unable to match. No one is more loved. No one is more hated. Jesus chose to enter into human history and the mess of it all and live his life that way for you and me. A life you and I can never live in our broken state, separated from God due to our sinful nature. Yet we can reject that love and free gift of grace. Jesus tells us that he has come to give us life, life abundant, and life eternal - not condemnation. And we can experience that amazing life right here on earth by claiming his perfection and goodness, not our own.