God’s purpose for His followers is that we might grow in the likeness and image of Jesus Christ. But what does that look like in our day and age? How do we become increasingly more like Jesus during our journey in a dark and seemingly dimming world? And how do we know we’re making any progress in our faith? Always seeking scripture first - the following resources aim to provide clarity on what it means to grow in grace, bear fruit, and make disciples to the glory of God.
Sometimes it helps to have a simple summary of “the right questions” to ask when interpreting and applying Scripture. Here are four foundational questions for understanding the Bible and four questions of application. Print out this guide, keep it in your Bible, and refer to it as you read and meditate upon the Scriptures.
The Gospel Coalition – “a fellowship of evangelical churches in the Reformed tradition deeply committed to renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures.”
Christianity.com - Christianity.com is similar to CrossWalk in that it has Bible study help, sermons, devotionals, Christian radio, games, articles, and more. If you're new to Christianity or you've been a Christian for years but want to know more about the faith, you may enjoy the Essentials, Becoming a Christian, Devotionals, and Theological FAQ sections of the site. This is one of the most educational sites for new Christians, but it also offers articles, videos, music and more for those who have been familiar with the faith all their lives.
Precept Austin - ALL of the resources on a Bible passage or topic of interest. Precept Austin exists to exalt the Name of the Lord by focusing on the Word of the Lord in Inductive Bible Study, Greek Word Studies, Verse by Verse Commentaries, and links to edifying, Christ exalting, God glorifying resources.
9Marks – “…we do everything we can to help pastors, future pastors, and church members see what a biblical church looks like, and to take practical steps for becoming one.”
Desiring God – Articles, sermons, books, and podcasts designed “to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.”
New City Catechism – The New City Catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at helping children and adults alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers.
CrossWalk - Crosswalk offers radio stations and channels with Christian messages. If you need Bible study tools, you can find those there as well. You'll see a daily devotional as well as several articles. Channels include Spiritual Life, Pastors, News, Marriage, Parenting, Devotionals, Finances, Homeschool, Careers, Singles, Movies, Music, and Books.
Truth for Life – access the “unique, expositional teaching of Alistair Begg” through online sermons, podcasts, CDs, DVDs, and books.
Gospel In Life, Timothy Keller - Gospelinlife.com is the site for all sermons, books, articles, and resources from Timothy Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, and Redeemer City to City. The name reflects our conviction that the gospel changes everything in life.
Paul Tripp - Paul Tripp is a pastor, author and conference speaker, connecting the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.
Crazy Love, Francis Chan - Crazy Love’s core mission is to promote a higher view of God. We pray that the resources of Crazy Love Ministries will edify and encourage people all over the world to see that the only sane response to God’s love is wholehearted devotion to Jesus. And that the crazy people in this world are those who have experienced God’s love yet remain complacent, not those who let go of all they have to follow Jesus.
Ligonier Ministries – “exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible.” Online resources include Dr. R. C. Sproul’s teaching ministry, and thousands of articles and devotionals.
Got Questions - "Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence."
CSBC Sermons - Listen to or watch - subscribe to our podcasts on Google Play and iTunes.