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Men’s Group

  • Chestnut Street Baptist Church 29 Chestnut Street Camden, ME, 04843 United States (map)

Men's Group 8:00 AM

The Men's Group at Chestnut Street Baptist Church meets every Saturday morning from 8:00 to 10:00 AM. We meet to share our lives together as Christian brothers and be "mutually encouraged by each other's faith" (Romans 1:12). As we listen to each other and share our struggles and joys, we aim for honesty, humility, accountability and a focus on how Christ is working in our lives. While not specifically a Bible study, the scriptures are central to our perspective and conversation. It is our hope that being a part of this group will help us grow closer to Christ and to mature as his disciples while bearing witness to him in our marriages, families, church and community.

We welcome all men, regardless where you are on your spiritual journey, particularly those struggling with issues of life, church, faith or belief.

For more information contact: Brian Vanden Brink

May 29

Thursday Ladies Bible Study - Colossians and Philemon

June 1

Sunday School 8:45 am